
Which One Is a Better Career Option - MBA or Finance Career?

Since past few years it has been seen that MBA is one of the top career options for countless students in India and abroad. It has become the first choice for them because any graduate from any educational background whether arts, science or commerce can do MBA degree. Building a MBA career is considered as the hottest career among all business professionals across the world.

Choosing something good is a difficult task and when it is the choosing of a career it becomes more difficult than anything. But we can take a good decision if we try to analyze the basic features of a career. Let’s discuss some important features to find a better career option between MBA and finance career.

Since past few years it has been seen that MBA is one of the top career options for countless students in India and abroad. It has become the first choice for them because any graduate from any educational background whether arts, science or commerce can do MBA degree. Building a MBA career is considered as the hottest career among all business professionals across the world.

On the other hand finance career offers different work options both in public and private sectors. A student having a degree in finance can become a financial auditor, financial advisor, financial analyst, financial manager and officer or an investment planner. They can start their career with banks, insurance, government agencies, financial institutions, investment service companies etc. They basically initiate mandatory qualities like critical thinking, financial reasoning, money management, accuracy, clerical skills. Today the implementation of modern technology has made possible them to highlight more on utilizing their analytical skills and less on numbers.

At the same time a student in finance career can do various specialist courses like chartered accountant, chartered certified accountant, chartered financial accountant, chartered management accountant, and chartered public finance accountant to give a boost to his career. Finance jobs are extremely well-paid and promising and the doors and windows of many financial institutions for finance jobs are opened across the world. But it is very difficult to complete the course like chartered accountant, cost accounting in a single attempt as their course is too vast. Now-a-days, a degree in finance is not worth without some extra financial qualifications. But a student having MBA degree has already finished his degree with specialization. So the chances of getting a well-paid job in MBA career are more than in finance career.

Unlike a finance degree, MBA or Master in Business Administration is a two-year program that mainly deals with all general managerial roles. But presently, MBA degrees are offering a more specialized program of study. The most popular disciplines are finance, human resources, marketing, risk management, IT, supply chain management and entrepreneurship. MBA career is called to be a better career option due to increasing earning potential and career advancement. When we apply for certain jobs, we simply feel the importance of a MBA degree for us.

Although a student is a financial specialist he goes for a MBA degree because some companies might ask whether he is a MBA holder or not. The MBA career helps us to gain a series of managerial skills and prepares us for the positions of leadership. Our educational horizons spread out with high merit by the syllabus, guidance and research involved in an MBA program. This is the quality what many companies usually look for when they hire an MBA graduate over another aspirant.

A student having MBA degree, equipped with communication skills, leadership qualities, personality development and domain expertise usually heads a company. So MBA career speaks the development of confidence and self-esteem is a better career option available in the
http://www.infinitecourses.com/Career-options-in-India.aspx today’s career options.


When Was Your Last Career Planning Session?

Career planning is not an activity that should be done once and then left behind as you move forward in your jobs and careers.

Instead, career planning is an activity that is best done on a regular basis. You may already know that the average worker will change careers many times over his or her lifetime.

That is why, it is never too soon or too late to start your own career planning.

Career planning is not a tedious activity, not something to be dreaded or put off. It should be an activity that should be liberating and fulfilling. There should be goals to achieve in your current career or plans for beginning a transition to a new career.

As a whole, career planning should be a rewarding and positive experience.

Here, then, are some tips to help you achieve successful career planning.

1. Make career planning an annual event.

Many of us have myriad of other things on an annual basis, so why not career planning?

Find a day or weekend once a year and schedule a retreat for yourself. Try to block out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on your career -- what you really want out of your career, out of your life.

By making career planning an annual event, you will feel more secure in your career choice and direction. You will be better prepared for the many uncertainties and difficulties that lie ahead in all of our jobs and career.

2. Map your path since last career planning

One of your first activities whenever you take on career planning is spending time mapping out your job and career path since the last time you did any sort of career planning.

While you should not dwell on your past, taking the time to review and reflect on the path will help you plan for the future.

Once you have mapped your past, take the time to reflect on your course. Note why it looks the way it does.

Are you happy with your path? Could you have done things better? What might you have done differently? What can you do differently in the future?

3. Reflect on your likes and dislikes, needs and wants

Change is one factor of life. Everybody changes, as do our likes and dislikes. Something we loved doing two years ago may now give us displeasure. So always take time to reflect on the things in your life that you feel most strongly about.

Make a two-column list of your major likes and dislikes. Then use this list to examine your current job and career path. If your job and career still fall mostly in the like column, then you know you are still on the right path; however, if your job activities fall mostly in the dislike column, now is the time to begin examining new jobs and new careers.

Finally, take the time to really think about what it is you want or need from your work, from your career.

Are you looking to make a difference in the world? To be famous? To become financially independent? To effect change? Take the time to understand the motives that drive your sense of success and happiness.

After all this has been done, you will see that the time given on your career planning is a time well spent.